It’s no secret that body care is trending. In fact, the American Society of Plastic Surgery included content titled “Ballet Body Beautiful: Achieving Aesthetic Elegance Through Plastic Surgery” in their 2023 statistics report. Their data shows that patients are seeking natural, subtle and proportionate enhancements with both surgical and non-surgical modalities. In part, due to the challenges of body proportionality related to dramatic weight loss from semaglutide medications.
Regardless of medical or aesthetic interventions, the body is having a moment and the skin the drapes every inch of its contour deserves the spotlight. What can we do to make it shine?

Body in the Spotlight
Your Guide to a Radiant Body Routine

Gina Thompson
Associate Director of Education, Glytone

Daily Body Care
The face may be the most exposed area of skin, and what we present to the world, but the rest of our skin deserves attention too. A body care regimen doesn’t have to be complicated, but it should be consistent. Consider a simple two-step routine to cleanse, exfoliate and hydrate skin that extends beyond the face. Use a body wash to cleanse and exfoliate in the shower followed by an exfoliating body lotion. Apply up to twice daily for healthy, radiant skin.
Try: 2-Step Exfoliation Routine
- Exfoliating Body Wash – 1 to 2 x daily
- Exfoliating Body Lotion – 1 to 2 x daily

Glycolic Glow
Glycolic acid, which is the smallest of all the AHAs (alpha hydroxy acids) is an ideal universal ingredient tolerated well by most skin types. Depending on the percentage in any given formula, it can exfoliate and hydrate the skin, enhance the absorption of other ingredients, help boost collagen production, and create a healthy glow. Since the skin on the body is typically thicker than the skin on the face – it can generally endure a little more exfoliation with active ingredients than the face. It’s not uncommon to see higher percentages of active ingredients, like glycolic acid, in body formulations.
Try the AHA+ Ultra Softening Foot Cream for the thickest skin on the body – the soles of the feet – with 29.5% glycolic acid to reduce skin roughness. Pair with your next pedicure for glossy nails and smooth, baby soft feet.
Try: AHA+ Ultra Softening Foot Cream – daily or as needed

Uncover Acne Solutions
It’s not uncommon to expose more skin in the summer months. But when less clothing reveals undesirable skin conditions like body acne, many may choose to stay covered up. Effective ingredients like salicylic acid can penetrate the pores to dissolve oil and dead skin cells – for clearer skin for the face and body. Solutions specifically for body acne can restore body confidence, expose clearer skin and be as easy as one spray a day. Consider the Acne Back & Chest Treatment Spray with 2% salicylic acid which has an innovative pump design to function upside down and dries quickly on the skin.
Try: Acne Back & Chest Treatment Spray – 1 to 3 sprays daily

Defy Age All Over
If you are trying to defy aging, addressing facial skin is not enough. For a more uniform youthful appearance – spread your skincare formulas down your neck, onto your chest, and apply to the backs of your hands as a daily practice. These areas should be a part of the regimen, not an afterthought. All skin needs cleansing, exfoliation, hydration and protection – and all skin is aging. Start by simply extending your current routine to these other areas. And why not try something luxurious, like the Resurfacing Body Oil with 5% proactive glycolic acid, for a full body skincare experience that will immediately create softer, smoother, healthier-looking skin all over.
Try: Resurfacing Body Oil – 1 to 2 x daily

Step up to Peels
If your daily body care routine alone is not enough to generate the skin changes you desire – step up your results with chemical peels. Ingredients like trichloroacetic acid (TCA), kojic acid and pyruvic acid can alleviate acne concerns, minimize fine lines and wrinkles and brighten dull, pigmented skin. Ask your skin care professional to recommend the appropriate peel for your unique situation and specific body area. Most areas of the body can be peeled and can be performed year-round with proper pre and post peel care.
Examples of In-Office Treatments
- TripleBRIGHT Renewal Peel – brighten pigmentation on the face, chest and backs of the hands
- Pyruvic+ Radiance Revival Peel – improve appearance of pigmentation, fine lines and skin firmness on the face, neck and chest
- Salicylic Clarifying Peel – reduce sebum and appearance of acne on the face, back and chest
Regardless of the season, body care isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Take advantage of innovative formulations, simple regimens, and in-office treatments, like chemical peels to build body confidence now.